Couple of things happened today, I have been using the forums over at Marine Aquarium Societies of Australia who have been really helpful in giving me advice (and a slight scolding for putting fish in so quick... whoops... but you live and learn, hopefully in this case my fish will live!
anyway one of the members was kind enough to give me a lot of info and offered me some matrix to help seed my tank with good bacteria and 'pods'. Matrix is like a very light rock that little animals live in... they eat bad stuff :P
So I went around and got a bit and set up a mini refugium for it, and also placed some in my canister filter... nothing has died or gone off the charts in the hours since i have added it.
the other development, which im probably going to have someone go 'AHHHHHHH' at me about is, my cleaner shrimp arrived today, I've spent the better part of the last hour and a half aclimatising him to the water and giving him a little bit of food (just a pelet - which he ate some of) and about to release him into the water...
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