My turbo snail has resurfaced, it kind of disappeared into the rock work and stayed motionless yesterday, I was a little worried that cow might not have enough food or something... But when I woke up this morning I could see that he'd plowed a path right through some long green alge.
The Clownfish are doing fine.
I'm very tempted to go to the fish shop to go get new fish and things, but i know that I need to be patient... I'm not very good at that game... I hate waiting for things, like my protein skimmer pump and my new lights...
anyway its water change time for my large freshwater tank, so that should keep me occupied for a while...
water parameters:
Specific Gravity: 30 or 1.022
ammonia: less than 0.25
nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0.20 (kind of high, ill retest this afternoon to see if it stays, if so ill do a water change)
phosphate: less than 0.5
Carbonate Hardness: 10dkh
Ph: its really hard to tell with my ph kit wether its 7.8 or 8.2 im going to go with 7.2 though
Calcium: 400ppm
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